On the memory of the 40th day of her passing, a memorial ceremony for Dr. Buthayna Ali at the National Center for Visual Arts


A memorial ceremony was held at the National Center for Visual Arts at Damascus University for Dr. Buthayna Safi Ali, a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, on the occasion of the forty-day anniversary of her death. The ceremony was attended by Secretary of Baath Party’s branch in Damascus, Hossam Al-Samman, and Damascus University branch, Dr. Khaled Al-Halbouni, and President of Damascus University, Professor Dr. Muhammad Osama Al-Jabban, representatives of the Ministries of Higher Education and Culture, President of the Union of Fine Artists, faculty members, family of the deceased and her students, and a group of her friends.


The memorial ceremony began with the screening of a documentary film about the late Dr. Ali and her most important works.


In a recorded speech, Director of the National Center for Visual Arts, Dr. Ghyath Al-Akhras, praised the qualities and virtues of the late Buthayna Ali, and concluded by saying, “Our condolences are that she left a creative legacy in plastic arts in Syria.


Maha Mahfouz, Head of Damascus branch of the Fine Artists Union, pointed out that Dr. Ali left a great impact on the souls and hearts of everyone who knew her, including her students and colleagues, and all the places where she worked.


A group of the deceased’s students confirmed that they will maintain the approach of their late teacher, who identified with all her students with all love and responsibility, and did not hesitate for a single moment to extend a helping hand to them, as she was their teacher, friend, and mother.


In a speech by the family of the deceased, Dr. Yasser Safi Ali, gave a sentimental speech in which he pointed to the good qualities of the deceased, as she was serious and dedicated to her work and loved everyone around her.






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