An Introductory Lecture for Students of Faculty of Science about Fields of Study in Russian Universities

Faculty of Science at Damascus University, in cooperation with the Russian Cultural Center, organized an interactive online introductory lecture on fields of study at Russian universities and the academic opportunities available to students.


Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Hammoud Al-Orabi, explained that the lecture is directed to students of the Faculty of Science, specializing in physics and mathematics, with the aim of introducing them to Russian scholarships, the conditions and mechanisms for applying for them, and also introducing them to Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, its specializations and the study system therein. Dr. Al-Orabi expressed his desire to enhance scientific and academic cooperation with Russian universities in all fields, especially in the field of exchanging visits and expertise between the two parties.


Rami Arabi Katbi from the Scholarships Department at the Russian Cultural Center stated that Russia annually provides Syrian students with around 1,000 scholarships (undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees). He also spoke in detail about the mechanisms for applying for scholarships, their dates, conditions and the necessary documents, with a comprehensive presentation of the electronic platform through which scholarships are applied for.


Ekaterina Mironenko, an analyst at the External Education Department at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPHI), gave a presentation on admission to Master’s and PhD programmes at the institute. The main and most popular programmes are nuclear physics, engineering physics and medical sciences, as well as specialisations in the humanities, such as economics and international relations.


The lecture included films about the institute, its specializations, the study system, and the services it provides to students. At the end of the lecture, the Russian side answered the questions and inquiries of the students and attendees.


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