A review on piezoelectric fibers and nanowires for energy harvesting
Title A review on piezoelectric fibers and nanowires for energy harvesting
Authors Zaarour, B., Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China, Textile Industries Mechanical Engineering and Techniques Department, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Damascus University, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic; Zhu, L., Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; Huang, C., Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; Jin, X., Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai, China; Alghafari, H., School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; Fang, J., Deakin University, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment, Geelong, VIC, Australia; Lin, T., Deakin University, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment, Geelong, VIC, Australia
Source title Journal of Industrial Textiles
ISSN 15280837
Q Q2
Link  https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85073970025&doi=10.1177%2f1528083719870197&partnerID=40&md5=636208fd023223b18cf72da15b282aa0
Abstract Recent advances in self-powered electronic devices have urged the development of energy-harvesting technology. Batteries are gradually unable to satisfy the practical requirements for powering the different types of microelectronic devices owing to their drawbacks such as occupying a significant percentage and weight of portable products, the need to replace or recharge them, constructing an important environmental impact, and the probable seepage of electrolyte solutions. Various technologies for converting renewable energies into electricity have been reported. Particularly, energy harvesters based on piezoelectricity to convert mechanical energy into usable electricity have received considerable attention. Electrospun fibers from piezoelectric polymers and inorganic nanowires as emerging piezoelectric materials have shown great potential for energy-harvesting applications. This review paper summarizes energy-harvesting technology based on piezoelectric polymeric fibers, inorganic piezoelectric fibers, and inorganic nanowires. A comprehensive overview of fundamentals of piezoelectric effect, types of piezoelectric materials, energy harvesting from fibers, energy harvesting from inorganic nanowires, and energy harvesting from polymeric/inorganic fibers and nanowires composites are discussed





عداد الزوار / 839480131 /